Ampacity – Superluminal CD


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SKU: CLASSIC038CD Category: Tags: ,

“Superluminal” is Ampacity’s second album. It consists of five songs that place themselves somewhere between Hawkwind’s drug-induced voyages and Voivod’s twisted, sometimes atonal mastery.

“Superluminal” sums up a pretty long and intensive period in Ampacity’s history. We managed to compose the album based on various threads. This time we decided to ignore the vocals and thanks to this decision we were left with a lot of space for other sounds. One thing we can be sure of: “Superluminal” will definitely stimulate your imagination – explain the band.

The album was created during rehearsals, based on improvisations. This method influenced the way the songs were recorded later on, which is live in Radio Gdańsk studio. – We are far from being perfectionists – our music is supposed to be alive and convincing, not automated and pitch-perfect. The most important thing is how it sounds live.

Ampacity is already recognized by the use of sci-fi imagery and this is also true to “Superluminal”. – We took some effort to recreate (especially when speaking of keyboards and other sound effects) the atmosphere of old science-fiction movie soundtracks. But you need to keep in mind that this genre serves only as an aesthetic signpost in our case. We don’t intend to compose a genre-based music. It’s just an inspiration.

– The last 3 years have been very intensive for the band. It changed us as people and musicians. We feel that Ampacity is now a one living and breathing being that gives us more comfort to perform live as a band. It’s an evolution, not a revolution.

Weight 200 g