Stara Rzeka is a solo project from Kuba Ziołek (Innercity Ensemble, Alameda Organisation, T’ien Lai, Kapital). Black LP is limited to 350 copies. Comes in a beautiful gatefold with embossing. Two black discs contain tracks from both CD and MC editions.
– The music sums up my experiences of the last three years – says Kuba. – The oldest song is “Cień chmury nad ukrytym polem”. It started with me playing with MicroKorg and then I built the whole narrative around those parts. “Przebudzenie Boga Wschodu” was created in just three days in Tleń, after a couple of months of me trying to push something in Bydgoszcz. However, most of the album was composed on a acoustic guitar since I don’t have an option of playing the electric one at home. It is full of loneliness and air and different colours and moods – he adds.
“Cień chmury nad ukrytym polem” features an amazing cover of Nico’s “My Only Child” from “Desertshore”. – I love the song’s minimalistic approach, it’s sheer power introduced by very simple means. It’s very European composition but this Europe is very old, tired with it’s history, tired with it’s ideals and projects that were never accomplished. This simple melody is for me something of a swan song for a dying world of European culture. Which, as a matter of fact is a contradiction to Stara Rzeka’s approach. It may be that I decided to cover the song to gasp for air? Or maybe I just felt that it needed a simple drone and a different conclusion? Maybe there is a future?
The album is something of a calleidoscope of music: disturbing guitar drones, kraut rock pulse and acoustic folk, to mention only a few influences. – I love when records surprise me, when I get something else than I expected. I’m tired of monotonous albums
“It’s a true piece of art inscribed in Poland’s young contemporary music” – Jacek Świąder, Gazeta Wyborcza
“First I listened and then I understood what I’ve been waiting for for so long in Polish alternative music – it’s Stara Rzeka” – Bartek Chaciński, Polityka
“A most likely candidate for this year’s most interesting Polish album. Don’t ask why” – Jan Błaszczak, T-Mobile Music